Adult ADHD Symptoms ... Not So Daily Success... Part 1


It took 34 years for me to be formally diagnosed with adult ADHD, but I've always had the classic adult ADHD symptoms that have lead to "not so daily success"...

I started this blog last week with vigor and the idea of facing the challenge of beating my students. That was February 2.... today is February 13.

And... this is my second post. It only came because Melanie (my wife) told me to do it. No, really, I've been meaning to do this for the past two weeks, but I finally did it because I was reminded to do it... (and only gave me 30 minutes to do it... I've already gone over...)

So here is a start of my Adult ADHD Symptoms... because to get to where you want to be... you have to see where you have been... no matter how painful..

If you look at places like or and other places on Adult ADHD Symptoms, you'll find lists of these symptoms. (Check out and

First - I don't think you can really understand these adult ADHD symptoms unless you have them yourself (in otherwords - if you can relate... then, again, you too may have adult ADHD / ADD). (Another tangent - I'm full of them - Melanie sent me an article from MSN that I'm in the middle of reading - but starts out well - about living and loving someone with adult ADHD. Check it out on your own time: ) Link Fixed

Second - You can't really understand your own adult adhd symptoms without looking at them in depth.

My next posts will explore my own adult ADHD symptoms - so maybe it will shed some light for you, dear reader. However, I need to get it out again, so that I can continue to learn from it myself, and try to make my life more of a Daily Success. (Daily posts would probably help... Inconsistency is my #1 adult ADHD symptom.)

See you tomorrow!
P.S. Zazzle again on the button:

Intro to Daily Success With Adult ADHD



I am Aaron Griswold. I no longer feel that I am just COPING with adult ADHD, I am SUCCEEDING with adult ADHD.

I've wanted to write this blog about Adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) for a long time. I've procrastinated by researching everything I could about Adult ADHD in order to make sure I was "ready" to write this. On impulse, I've even started writing articles on coping with Adult ADHD on my computer, online, and on scrap pieces of paper I've eventually lost, and they are never complete. I've been able to throw both the research and the articles I started into big piles and transport them from home, to work, to home, and back to work.

And I've been able to do this, and much more, by trying to fit this into my daily life with my wife and two kids, trying to start at least one to two companies at the same time, teaching three college courses, worrying about financial issues, worrying about emotional issues, and generally not having a good time.

Yep - I've been coping with Adult ADHD for far too long.

If you can relate to some of this - you may have Adult ADHD too.....! Ha...

I was finally motivated to write this blog in order to challenge my students in my business classes at Midlands Technical College (Columbia, SC). Their assignment was to start a blog, treat it like a mini-company, and create a great product (their blog) - market it well (increase the traffic) - and gain financial rewards (through Google's AdSense). I tell them that the best way to learn about business is to have your own.

So... I also put the challenge in there that if they could beat the traffic and the monetary gains of my blog, then  they would get a boost to their final grade. Sometimes when you're coping with adult ADHD, the best way to succeed is to measure yourself against others in a competitive way.

This blog is for me... a consistent thing that I can do to that turns into Daily Success with Adult ADHD.

This blog is also for you... with research and insights on Adult ADHD that will hopefully help you stop coping with Adult ADHD too, and get some Daily Success of your own.

BTW... for completeness, I found the AD/HD button picture at - not promoting them, just thought it was cool.